Manā darbnīcā skatāmas dažādas tematikas eļļas un akrila krāsu gleznas uz audekla, kā arī litogrāfijas, oforti, sietspiedes un tušas zīmējumi. Ir arī grezni dekoratīvi sienas šķīvji un krūzes, kas noder kā dāvanas dažādos svētkos. Glezniecība, stājgrafika un grāmatu grafika ir mana pamatnodarbe, bet sienas šķīvji un krūzes ir šīs pamatnodarbes pielikums jeb dekors. Mana māksla ir kā vēdeklis, tā aptver plašu emociju gammu un tēmu loku no humora, sašutuma, sarkasma un asarām līdz ezotēriskai mītu un eņģeļu pasaulei. Mani darbi skatāmi GALERIJĀ. tur ir sešas sadaļas ar atšķirīgu tematiku. Atsevišķus darbus var arī iegādāties. Sazināties ar mani var sadaļā KONTAKTI. Labprāt tikšos ar cilvēkiem, kas mīl mākslu un spēj novērtēt mākslinieka darbu. / autortiesības ir aizsargātas/
Canvas paintings in oil and acrilics, litographies, etchings, screen printings and drawings with indian ink on various themes are on display in my studio alongside with luxury decorative plates and mugs that can make a good present for anyone. Painting, easel, and book graphics is my core occupation, decorative plates and mugs is a sideline activity. Like the language of hand fan, my art unfolds reflecting a vide range of emotions and themes both with humor, indignation, sarcasm and tears, leading to esoteric myths and angels. Part of my works can be viewed in the section WORKS; some of them are on sale. The section CONTACTS provides communication possibilities with me. I will gladly meet people who love and can appreciate the artist's works /copyright protected/.
Canvas paintings in oil and acrilics, litographies, etchings, screen printings and drawings with indian ink on various themes are on display in my studio alongside with luxury decorative plates and mugs that can make a good present for anyone. Painting, easel, and book graphics is my core occupation, decorative plates and mugs is a sideline activity. Like the language of hand fan, my art unfolds reflecting a vide range of emotions and themes both with humor, indignation, sarcasm and tears, leading to esoteric myths and angels. Part of my works can be viewed in the section WORKS; some of them are on sale. The section CONTACTS provides communication possibilities with me. I will gladly meet people who love and can appreciate the artist's works /copyright protected/.